Italian investors bidding for hydropower plant in Kosovo

Just two days after the Government of the Republic of Kosovo in cooperation with the World Bank and the Croatian company “Elektroprojekt”, published the feasibility study for construction of a hydropower plant in Zhur of Prizren, which will cost about € 330 million, investors from the Italian company BEG – BECCHETTI ENERGY GROUP are already placing their bid, expressing readiness to fulfill all the requirements to build it.

Italian investors during Saturday met with Minister of Energy and Mining, Justina Pula, while during the afternoon they visited the site allotted to build the power plant.

“Investors were very serious and pleased with the project. We also visited the site closely. There are several problems with the quantity of water and regulator, but believe that will be overcomed, “said Gjergj Buxhuku of Albanian Industries Association, who also accompanied the delegation of Italian investors in Kosovo.

BECCHETTI ENERGY GROUP currently is building a hydropower plant in Albania at a value of 250 million euros. The newly constructed Durres-Kukes highway is expected to give Kosovo access to other competitive markets besides Albania, such as Italian, Croatian, French, Greek and others.

The Hydropower plant of Zhuri is expected to cost around 300 million euros, while estimated to produce about 300 megawatt hours of electricity. The construction is expected to last 5 years. Meanwhile, the investor selection procedure is expected to be done through an open bid.

New Kosova Report