INVITATION: Swiss Contact Mission to Kosovo

The Chamber of Commerce Switzerland – Central Europe (SEC) and IPAK Vienna / ECIKS, in cooperation with other partner institutions in Kosovo and Switzerland, are inviting Swiss companies to a Contact Mission to Kosovo on 19th and 20th June 2012.

The goal of the Mission is to enable Swiss companies to create business contacts in Kosovo and to get first hand information about business and investment opportunities in Kosovo. The mission will also deepen economic relations between Kosovo and Switzerland. All companies in Switzerland and Lichtenstein, interested in trade and investment opportunities and all Associations and Institutions are invited.

The participants will be informed in detail about business and investment framework, market potentials and tips for business relations in Kosovo. The mission will also support participants in establishing direct contacts with potential partners in Kosovo. Individual visits to the kosovar companies can also be organized upon request.

In particular we would like to recommend the Reception on the 19th of June 2012. Apart from the Swiss Ambassador in Kosovo Ms. Krystyna Marty, important local decision makers will also be present.

Documents for download:

The Invitation of Chamber of Commerce Switzerland – Central Europe (SEC)

Registration Form


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