Government to decide about KEK and KPC financing

Prishtina, January 30, 2004 – The Kosovar daily “Zëri” reports that yesterday’s cabinet meeting, which was suspended because the PM was invited by UNMIK to take part in the discussions about KPC (Kosovo Protection Corps), will resume on Friday, for which the hot topics have been left.

Since the issue of financing KPC is a very serious and urgent matter, PM Rexhepi has asked the international KPC coordinator to file a request to the government as soon as possible in order to enable them to discuss it on Friday.

Another hot topic will be the issue of tenders and alleged corruption not only raised by the media but also by some political leaders as well.

The Government will open discussions and then the Ministry of Public Services will hand in voluminous material on the tender procedures in the ministries.

KEK projects for 2004 are also supposed to be discussed on Friday. The PM will also present a national plan on gender equality drafted by UNIFEM. ‘Such a document gives the best ways for representation of women in Kosovo institutions’, said Mimoza Kusari, the government spokesperson.