Gjakova and Mitrovica announced free economic zones

Prishtina, 18.03.2014 – Based on the proposal made by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Kosovo government has decided to announce the municipality of Gjakova and Mitrovica as Free Economic Zones. At the Government regular meeting, the proposal of Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr. Bernard Nikaj, was approved and the two free economic zones will provide better infrastructure for businesses, better conditions for manufacturers, and better facilities to promote business activities.

In his opening remarks, Prime Minister Hashim Thaci has appraised the preparation of the decision to declare the two free economic zones in Gjakova and Mitrovica. The announcement of these two free economic zones, is expected to improve infrastructure, conditions and the environment for business development. The free economic zones are expected to encourage local and foreign investors to invest and create new jobs and have direct impact on the reduction of unemployment and poverty in these two municipalities.

Conditions and facilities for businesses that shall operate within these free economic zones are defined by the Administrative Instruction No. 00/2014. “This Administrative Instruction defines facilities for the businesses which will be located within these zones. The AI includes fiscal and customs facilities, which do not violate national legislation in power, and foresees creation of “One Stop Shops” which will be an administrative point for the businesses located in those zones”, said minister Nikaj.

Businesses investing within these free economic zones will benefit from the facilities set for them as well as from different tax and customs procedures facilitating the business operations.


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