EU Pillar ready to transfer competencies in privatization

Prishtina, 4 Mai 2004 – EU Pillar has expressed its willingness for the transfer of competencies in the privatization sector “Bota Sot “carries an interview with the Head of UNMIK’s Pillar IV, Nikolaus Lambsdorff

Lambsdorff states that Pillar IV is committed to a transparent and trustworthy privatization process but this process had to undergo some changes. “Pillar IV is abiding to the mandatory requirements received from UN in NY”. Asked whether the recent events in Kosovo impacted the privatization process, Lambsdorff replies, ‘Yes, but Pillar IV is working towards a return of the trust’.

Asked if the operational policies will change considerably before the announcement of the third round of privatization, Lambsdorff says, ‘They are being discussed and it would be to early to speculate on their content before an agreement is reached’.

Asked to comment on the proposal to create a group of experts within the government of Kosovo that would deal with the privatization process, a sort of a Kosovo Government KTA, Lambsdorff said that the locals are fully involved in the privatization process. The EU Pillar has expressed willingness for continuing the transfer of competencies, including those in the sector of privatization.


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