EBRD may finance new power plant "Kosova e Re"

Even before Kosovo’s formal membership in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development taking place on December 17, the bank has already made plans for projects they might be interested to finance. In a radio interview, EBRD officials stated that they are looking at options to finance the new power plant “Kosova e Re”.

Svitlana Pyrkalo, media advisor to the EBRD, said that investments in the energy sector are a priority and that they are working together with other institutions to increase Kosovo’s capacity in generating power.

“We are looking at options to fund the new power plant ‘Kosova e Re’. Efficiency and safety in the field of energy are key elements in our plans for supporting Kosovo. In early 2013, the bank, with the support of the EU, will launch a partnership with several financial institutions in Kosovo. This will aim to increase the competition of small and medium enterprises and support the achievement of Kosovo’s goal to reduce energy consumption”, said Pyrkalo.

Pyrkalo also stated that at the beginning of 2013, the bank plans to complete up to 8 investments in banks, microfinance companies and corporations in Kosovo.


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