EBRD interested in the energy, infrastructure and private sector

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaci met with senior representatives of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). At this meeting, Prime Minister Thaci praised the decision of the Board of Governors for the membership of the Republic of Kosovo in the institution and thanked the EBRD for its help in the process.

The Prime Minister, discussing the strategic priorities of the Kosovar Government, including the energy sector, road infrastructure and agriculture, stated that both sides should work intensively to initiate projects and expressed the readiness of the Kosovar Government to cooperate.

EBRD senior representatives informed the Prime Minister about their priorities identified in collaboration with the Kosovo Government, in the framework of the Partnership Strategy with the Republic of Kosovo.

Priorities include the private sector, energy and infrastructure. They pointed out that this strategy is working according to the fast track principle, which enables a quick start with the implementation of projects.

EBRD representatives expressed their interest to support the privatization of Kosovo Telecom and the Power Plant Project “Kosova e Re”, as well as new road infrastructure projects.

They also expressed interest to support the private sector with technical assistance and investments in various projects including energy efficiency projects.


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