E-Days 2021 edition discusses cybersecurity and digital transformation

ACCESS program organized the second edition of “E-Days” to discuss the importance of digitalization and the benefits that it brings to the society. The 2021 edition was focused around two topics:

– “Cybersecurity: A challenge and an opportunity” and
– “Digital transformation of public and private sector”.

The first event “Cybersecurity: A challenge and an opportunity” opened the two-days festival with a discussion panel hosting: Mr. Blerim Rexha from the University of Prishtina, Mr. Xhavit Gashi from Cacttus, Mr. Granit Beka from PBC, and Mr. Tony Pietrocola from Agileblu, who joined the event virtually. The panel was moderated by ACCESS Director Mr. Kujtim Dobruna.

The panel highlighted that cybersecurity can be both a threat and an opportunity. Kosovo can benefit from the sector as a small economy by specialising in this area by training young people to become experts, and investing in data centres and data recovery centres.

Revisit the discussion on our YouTube channel.

The second event “Digital transformation of public and private sector”  hosted a discussion panel on the importance of digital transformation for the development of private & public sectors. This discussion panel brought together four distinguished speakers, Mr. Burim Balaj Head of Directorate for Rationalization of Administrative Processes at Agency of Information Society, Mr. Arianit Fazliu, CEO of Kutia, Ms. Zana Tabaku, CEO of APPDEC and Mr. Lulezon Jagxhiu, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Information Technology. The panel was moderated by Mr. Durim Hoxha from ACCESS which also sponsored this discussion.

The panel highlighted that there are challenges and barriers to digital transformation. In meantime, the government has an ambitious approach on digital transformation and is working on action plans and implementation.

Revisit the discussion on our YouTube channel.

ACCESS is a project financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation, co-financed by Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, and Ministry of Economy. The project is implemented by ECIKS and aims at strengthening competitiveness of private sector companies and increasing their income through provision of diversified and improved business development and digitalization services (BDS) and promotion of digital transformation of the private sector.

KosICT is an annual, international technology festival organized by the Kosovo ICT Association [STIKK]. The conference first started in 2012, where through the years it managed to grow and gather over a thousand of professionals of different backgrounds mainly concentrated in information and communication technology and build up a recognized brand in the tech community in the region of South East Europe.

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