Connection Agreement Between KOSTT And ENTSO-E Becomes Effective Amid Agreement Signed


Following the agreement signed between KOSTT and European Network of Transmission System Operators – ENTSO-E, on July 2020, Kosovo’s transmission system operator (TSO) KOSTT will become an independent regulatory zone within the Kosovo-Albania Regulatory Block (AK Block).

Kosovo KOSTT will now leave the Serbian Regulatory Area (EMS) in the SMM block (Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia) – run by Serbia’s TSO Elektromreža Srbije (EMS).

Kosovo TSO has already fulfilled all the conditions to operate separately of Serbia, therefore according to the Regional Group of Continental Europe (RGCE), on September 29, it was decided that the agreement should enter into force.

Amid this agreement, Kosovo TSO will fully operationalize the 400 kV interconnection line with Albania, built in 2016.  KOSTT has thanked the German and the United States Government, KfW Development Bank and USAID, for supporting this project, which marks this day as historic as Kosovo moves towards joining the regulatory area within the AK block.



Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

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