Citizens of Kosovo being mobilized for one-day cleanup

There is 100 million tons of illegal waste lying around everywhere in the world, and Kosovo is no exception. A non-governmental organization “Liria-I” has initiated a one-day cleanup in Kosovo on May 24th 2012.

The core team, who may know  is currently enriching the strategic plan, creating partnerships, mapping the waste, recruiting volunteers, and working together with local groups in all Kosovo municipalities to develop a completed clean up action plan for May 24th

The great cleanup day in Kosovo is going to gather everyone: institutions, organizations, embassies, waste companies, each and every single nature lover by picking garbage from streets, forests, mountains and everywhere else needed in the biggest, one day clean up.

The coordinator of the initiative, Mr. Luan Hasanaj said “Our citizen initiative does not end on May 24th, this day is just the beginning of a new approach towards environment protection”.

The idea of World Cleanup 2012 was initiated in 2008 in Estonia, where more than 50 000 volunteers managed to clean up the entire country in just 5 hours. 10 000 tons of waste were collected, and the country has stayed clean ever since. This year, World Cleanup 2012, is aiming its goal higher than ever and is already looking for new records in terms of participation. There are over 90 countries that are participating in the world cleanup this year.

Everyone can join the action at

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