Busek starts two-day visit to Kosovo

Prishtinë, Mar 15, 2006 – The Stability Pact Coordinator for Southeastern Europe Erhard Busek said on Tuesday in Pristina that he has managed to understand that Kosovo is in the same level with other countries of the region, and is contributing by taking the obligations towards all its neighbours.

“I think that in the aspect of European perspective this is a very good contribution,” Busek said following a meeting with Kosovo’s President Fatmir Sejdiu, at the beginning of his two-day visit to Kosovo.

“I tried to inform the President on where we are standing concerning Kosovo and the Stability Pact. In general it is not our job to negotiate the status of Kosovo, it is up to the Contact Group and Martti Ahtisaari, but the job of the Stability Pact is to make sure that Kosovo is not a black hole of Southeast Europe,” Busek said.

President Sejdiu said that thanks to the engagement of the Stability Pact Coordinator Erhard Busek, a lot of processes in Kosovo are being developed at the right pace.

“We expressed the readiness of the Kosovar institutions to be an active part of this process. We will try to give a special contribution in all the areas, by having a strong feeling that beside the internal stability, Kosovo must contribute to the regional stability as well,” said Sejdiu.

ECIKS / KosovaLive

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