Budget revenues increase by 12%

At the Government meeting on Wednesday, the Minister of Finance (MF), Bedri Hamza, presented the financial report of the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo for the first half of 2012. He has announced that compared to the same period last year, there’s a 12 % increase in revenues.

He presented a summary of the report for the first half of 2012, revenues and expenses, reflecting the data in an analytical form and comparing it to the prior year. “Revenues in the first half of 2012, not including designated donor grants and trust funds are 649.76 million Euros and represent 42.3% of the total annual planned admissions. Compared to the same period of the previous year, it is a 12% increase “said Hamza.

In terms of expenditures, the Minister said: „ the six-month expenses, not including designated donor grants and trust funds, were 625.60 million and represent 40 % of the total annual plan.”

Hamza announced that as a result of the larger collection of revenues compared to the payments, the primary balance increased by 25.26 million by 30 June 2012.

/Telegrafi /

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