Austrian companies interested to invest in Kosovo

Prishtina – Head of Austria’s Liaison Office in Prishtina, Gernot Pfandler met Friday the Kosovar Minister of Trade and Industry (MTI), Lutfi Zharku and discussed the cooperation between the Austrian Office and MTI as well as the interest of Austrian companies to invest in Kosovo.

Pfandler was accompanied in this meeting by the representative of Austrian Development Agency in Kosovo, Mr. Andreas Fritz and the representative of Austrian Economic Chamber in Kosovo, Ms. Vjosa Huruglica.

Pfandler confirmed discussing with minister Zharku the cooperation between the Austrian Liaison Office and MTI in the future as wll as investments of Austrian companies in the Republic of Kosovo. He said Austrian Office supports the Economic Initiative for Kosova (ECIKS) and the Agency for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises.

On the other hand, minister Zharku said the ministry he’s heading will continue realization of important projects.

“We will continue with the projects and we are ready to wrap up those projects. MTI has handed over some projects to the Austrian Development Agency and we have discussed the conclusion of those. You know that in one such project financed by ADA, the Vienna based Economic Initiative for Kosova (ECIKS) officially represents the Investment Promotion Agency of Kosovo (IPAK) for German-speaking countries”, said minister Zharku.

He confirmed discussing in the course of the meeting with the Austrian officials investments of Austrian companies in Kosovo.

“We will organize the Austrian Investor’s Day in Kosovo”, said minister Zharku.

ECIKS / Kosovapress

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