Austria to be the main partner for the new University of Prizren

Kosovo minister of Education, Enver Hoxhaj and the Ambassador of Austria in Kosovo, Walter-Maria Stojan, agreed in Pristina that Austria will be the main partner for the founding of the University of Prizren in Kosovo.

Ministri Hoxhaj stated that the Republic of Austria will support the establishment of the University of Prizrenit through providing of consultancy, selection of professors, compiling of the University development plan, drafting interim statute, and identifying higher education institutions in Austria which will cooperate in the educational curricula for this university.

Austrian Ambassador Walter-Maria Stojan expressed readiness of Austria to create the framework for this university.

Minister Hoxhaj is confident that the University of Prizren will open its doors in October of this year and will offer students the possibility of studies in 15 new areas.

Kosovo Government has so far allocated a budget of €3 million for the initial work and preparations to open the University, while the Municipality of Prizren has provided a location for its construction.