Agricultural inputs exempted from VAT

Prishtina, 25 July 2004 – The Economic Fiscal Council decided to remove VAT for raw material and agricultural products, taking effect on 1 September 2004.

ASRSG Brayshaw said this decision serves as an incentive to Kosovo’s agriculture. “Decisions have been adopted for stimulation of agriculture. Taxes in the agriculture sector will be decreased so that Kosovo can benefit from this sector”, Brayshaw is quoted in Koha Ditore.

Another issue to be discussed at the meeting of the EFC was the contribution of PTK’s profit to the Kosovo Budget, writes Koha. The paper’s sources also say that Pillar IV head Lambsdorff justified the PTK’s failure to contribute by saying that according to the regulation PTK is not obliged to do so.

However, the paper notes that the Head of UNMIK’s Legal Office, Alexander Borg-Olivier, rejected Lambsdorff’s justification by saying that the regulation does not exempt PTK from contributing to the budget of Kosovo.


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