Investors discouraged to come to Kosovo

Prishtinë, Jan 8, 2006 – Experts of economy said that many potential foreign investors are being discouraged to invest in Kosovo due to the disagreements between local and international institutions in charge of economic development.

“The privatization process was on the right track so far. But what makes this process suspicious is the fact that there are few foreign investments,” said Safet Gerxhaliu, Head of the Department for Foreign Relations at the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce (KCC).

According to Gerxhaliu, the lack of security and laws is another element discouraging foreign investors. “But this problem is solvable,” said Gerxhaliu. “We should consider that Kosovo is undergoing a transitional phase and we are creating new laws for a better economic development.”

Gerxhaliu also said that UNMIK Pillar IV Chief, Joachim Ruecker, has brought positive results in regards to the privatization process. “Ruecker and his local and international associates have put the privatization process on the right track,” says Gerxhaliu.