Proposals discussed, no transfer of reserved competencies

Prishtina, 6 May 2004 – Citing sources close to the international administration, Zëri reports that there are ongoing consultations in UNMIK about new ways of cooperation with the Kosovo Government. In this context, the declaration of the United Nations Security Council supports UNMIK’s goals.

When these goals take the final shape, the head of UNMIK will ask for the support of the Kosovo Government, of Quint representatives in Prishtina, the Contact Group, the UN and the EU. So, it will go through the same procedure as the Standards Implementation Plan. Although it is a complicated process, in UNMIK it is seen as necessary because only in that way would a consensus in Kosovo and with the international administration be reached.

The paper notes that soon there is going to be another meeting of the Contact Group in Prishtina, which would discuss the proposals of the international administration.

The same sources told Zëri that neither UNMIK nor the other bodies of the international community have any ideas or proposals about the transfer of reserved competencies to local institutions. “Even though many ideas are being discussed, it seems that a more noticeable movement can be expected in the areas of economy and fiscal policy,” added the paper.

When Andy Bearpark was the head of UNMIK’s Pillar 4, in winter 2003, there was a proposal according to which the KTA was to be soon transferred to the hands of the locals, respectively only one international official was to remain on the Board of the KTA, and his duty was to make sure that decisions taken were in accordance with the KTA Regulation.

When it comes to reserved powers, according to the same sources, they will remain part of the SRSG’s mandate, but there will be a move toward “sharing capacities” through opening liaison offices within the Prime Minister’s office.

The Assembly of Kosovo last week asked for an immediate launch of the complete transfer of reserved powers through the creation of certain ministries. But UNMIK says the only real option is to continue with the plan for opening liaison offices.