The overall, long-term objective of this project, which was financed by the Austrian Development Agency, was to contribute to reducing poverty and increasing the economic development by actively stimulating and facilitating FDIs. This was achieved through pro-active identification of potential investors in the German-Speaking countries and their direct encouragement to invest in Kosovo.

The services provided include:

  • Opening and running a branch office of IPAK in Vienna
  • Compilation of 11 different promotional brochures on behalf of MTI/IPAK including sector studies
  • Launching and regularly updating IPAK Website in German (
  • Presenting Kosovo in 18 events (in 12 countries) in cooperation with World Bank program “Invest in the Western Balkans” (IIWB)
  • Enabling cooperation between MTI/IPAK with various organizations and institutions
  • Provision of trainings for IPAK-HQ staff
  • Drafting of the National FDI strategy in cooperation with World Bank / IIWB
  • Approaching 646 potential investors
  • Provision of 358 services to 152 potential investors
  • Publishing 44 business encouraging articles in the German-language media
  • Publishing 464 news articles in English and 55 news articles in German
  • Organizing/ co-organising 16 investment promotional events or conferences that were attended by over 300 potential investors
  • Supporting the organization and presenting Kosovo in 24 other events organized by other institutions
  • Sending 35 monthly electronic newsletters to over 3,500 subscribers
  • Implementing visits to 30 companies and potential investors in the GSC
  • Receiving 61 visits of companies and potential investors in the Vienna Office
  • Organizing 48 site visits of potential investors in Kosovo
  • Supporting or facilitating 15 foreign investments in Kosovo
  • Contributing to direct/indirect creation of over 500 new jobs in Kosovo through assisted/facilitated investment projects


November 2009 – March 2013

Investment Promotion Agency Of Kosovo
Ministry Of Trade And Industry

Austrian Development Agency (ADA)