Pristina-Skopje highway to start in 2013

Dozens of local and international private companies have expressed interest in participating in the construction of the Pristina-Skopje highway, expected to start early next year.

The Ministry of Infrastructure said that the expression of interest will be open until the first week of August.
Lah Nitaj, advisor to the Ministry of Infrastructure said: “Following consultations we had with international mechanisms and governmental actors and allocations of the IMF and the World Bank, we expect to reach the bidding process and an agreement with certain economic operators within 2012”.

Construction experts consider that the improvement of road infrastructure in recent years positively affects the economic cooperation with countries in the region.
Regarding the funding for the second highway, Nitaj said: “The competent local authorities are very careful and attentive to consider the interest of Kosovo, the interest of its citizens and not risk any financial parameters of the country”.

According to the project introduced in 2010, the highway will have a length of 55 kilometers and two tunnels, the longest of which will be 2.2 kilometers.
