New tender for “Kosova e Re”

The Kosovo Minister for Energy and Mining, Justina Pula, after the first meeting of the members of the Steering Committee for the “Kosova e Re” project, told the daily Kosova Sot that the new power plant will have a capacity of over 1,000 megawatts. It might be built in two phases, with 500 megawatts each time, or in three phases with 300 megawatts per phase; however, this issue is expected to be decided by the investor.

This is not the only news regarding the project, reports the daily, explaining that on 17 November, the Steering Committee will again meet with representatives of the World Bank, USAID, the European Commission, with other participants in this project also expected to attend. “At this meeting, the transaction advisors, after they have completed their assessment, will recommend to the Steering Committee the best option for the project so as to complete the power plant in a very short term,” says a press release issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mining.

The daily has also learned that due to an increase in competition, a decision to re-advertise the tender for the 1,000-megawatt “Kosova e Re” power plant is expected to be made next week, and the tender process is expected to undergo accelerated procedures.

Global economy impact
Discussions at yesterday’s meeting of the Steering Committee focused on an analysis of implementation of the project after the withdrawal of two bidders (due to the global economic crisis) which limited the financial means available for realization of other projects. “It was stressed at the meeting that these factors should be taken into consideration in the context of continuance of transactions and successful completion of this project,” says the announcement.

After an assessment was carried out by the projects legal advisors, it was confirmed that the project could continue with two bidders. “However, it was said at the meeting that it is necessary to asses whether this represents the best manner and process to draw maximal profits for Kosovo,” the announcement reads.

Kosova Sot reports that only Kosovars were present at this meeting. Apart from Minister Justina Pula, other ministers of the Kosovo Government, as well as the heads of independent regulators for mining and energy were present to discuss developments regarding the “Kosova e Re” project. (cc)