Minister: Kosovo EU member before 2020

In an interview with the Austrian newspaper “Standard”, Kosovo Foreign Minister, Skender Hyseni said that Kosovo will become a member of the European Union before 2020.

Hyseni said that positive developments in Kosovo give hope that the country will soon progress towards EU integration.

Minister Hyseni said that Serbia can not require membership in the EU, while trying to destabilize the Balkans. According to the head of Kosovo diplomacy, Serbia in Brussels appears more European, while in the Balkans not so.

Hyseni has hopes that after the declaration of the International Court of Justice, Kosovo will see new recognitions of its independence.

Asked if expects recognition by 5 remaining EU member countries, Hyseni told Austrian newspaper that he expects a “friendly pressure on these states by other member states of the EU” – and added that “Greece is moving towards the recognition of Kosovo”.