Making the poor part of economy

At a conference organized by the Kosovo SME Promotion Programme (KOSME) on December 3rd, 2014, it was considered important that “marginalized” groups of Kosovo’s society should be included in policies and agendas for economic development.

Representatives of Kosovo institutions and international experts consider that it is essential to recognize the inclusion of poor as an important principle for sustainable economic development.

The conference on “Inclusive Market System Development” supported by the Austrian Development Agency, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and the Ministry of Trade and Industry, aimed at raising awareness among decision makers about the importance of creating policies for the development of inclusive markets (IMSD).

Inclusive Market System Development is an overarching approach and tool aiming at poverty reduction which has been supported by numerous donors over the last years. The central idea is that in general, people depend on accessing and participating in market systems for their livelihoods. Therefore, changing those market systems to work more effectively and sustainably for people, including for the poor will improve their livelihoods and consequently reduce poverty. By engaging a wider range of market actors, markets become more accessible and competitive.

Minister of Trade and Industry reflected on the importance of the creation of such policies in support of all layers of society and their involvement in the economic activities, whereas Sigrid Meijer, Project Manager and Local Director of Swisscontact, explained the application of this concept in several other economies.

The discussion panel was comprised of Dolly Wittberger, KOSME consultant and expert on gender issues, Valdrin Lluka, General Director at Kosovo Investment and Enterprise Support Agency (KIESA) and Rexhep Ilazi, USAID EMPOWER project.

According to Hamez Morina, Component Coordinator at KOSME, application of the IMSD approach within the project should be embedded within Kosovo’s primary political goals of achieving pro-poor growth and reducing poverty.

IMSD concept in Kosovo will contribute significantly to the creation of opportunities for employment in rural areas, particularly through diversification, a shift in focus from agricultural production to food processing, an increase of clusters and value chains with strong territorial focus and lastly, innovation fostered through increase access to knowledge, technologies, and management techniques and practices. 

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