Kosovo Telecom to extend to North

Kosovo’s post and telecoms company is preparing to extend its services in the north of the divided town of Mitrovica, its executive director Shyqyri Haxha said.

Kosovo’s Post and Telecommunications Kosovo, PTK, is the country’s largest public enterprise and first mobile phone provider. Haxha announced the plans for full implementation of the PTK’s services during a visit to northern Mitrovica.

“We have the capacities so that all the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, regardless of what part of the country they live in, will be offered all services. Very quickly, our services will also be in this part,” said Haxha.

The northern part of Mitrovica is inhabited by a large Serbian population which still expresses loyalty towards Serbia’s government and authority. As a consequence, Serbian telecommunications services are still operating in that part of Kosovo.

Haxha also announced a project designed to equip every household and school in the country with a landline and internet connection. Over 1080 schools in Kosovo will benefit from this project.

BIRN / BalkanInsight