Kosovo signs regional agreement for Information Society

Prishtinë, 3 November, 2007 (Koha Ditore) – According to the Kosovar Daily Koha Ditore, UNMIK signed on behalf of Kosovo the ‘eSEE Agenda Plus’ which determines the direction of the development of Information Technologies in South-Eastern Europe and the implementation of EU Regulations in electronic communications. Furthermore an inter-ministerial agreement was signed on a coordinated development of information technology in South-Eastern Europe.
The Kosovo Minister of Transport and Telecommunication, Qemajl Ahmeti, participated in the Regional Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Sarajevo. The conference was organized by Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Ministry of Communications and Transport, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the UNDP funded eSEE Secretariat, the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe, in close cooperation with the European Commission. Representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Romania attended the conference.
The initiative expressed a strategic effort of the countries of South-Eastern Europe to jointly implement Information and Communication Technologies as a tool for economic growth, employment rise, EU integration, and long-term stability of the region.

Now that the policy and institutional mechanisms are in place across the region, a new, more advanced regional Action Plan: “eSEE Agenda Plus” was adopted by the ministers at this conference. In their effort to align the policy, institutional, legislative, and regulatory framework with EU standards, the Member States have been actively supported by the Stability Pact, UNDP and its Sarajevo based eSEE Secretariat, the European Commission, UNECE and other stakeholders. The initiative is engaged in preventing duplication of work and facilitating the exchange of good practices across the region.