Kosovo puts Prishtina Airport on tender

The Republic of Kosovo Government has invited all potential bidders to submit their credentials by 23 September 2009 to qualify for the management and further development of its only commercial service airport, Prishtina International Airport. All potential bidders who will qualify in accordance with the minimum requirements specified in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ), will be invited to submit proposals for the project. The government aims to conclude the transaction by December.

“The Government of the Republic of Kosovo invites experienced airport operators, developers, and investors to submit qualifications for the purposes of being short-listed to participate in a competitive tender for the operation and expansion of Prishtina International Airport,” says a Government announcement.

“As is currently envisioned, the project will be a 20-year agreement of the type design-build-finance-operate-transfer (DBFOT) and contains the following: management, operation, and maintenance of Prishtina International Airport and the financing, design, procurement and construction of a program for expansion of infrastructure, which includes the building of a new 25,000 m2 landmark terminal, air traffic control facilities, new apron, taxiways, water treatment facility, and parking areas,” said in the announcement the Government of Kosovo.

Prishtina International Airport (PIA) is a vital component of the transport infrastructure of Kosovo and is one of the busiest airports in the Balkans, serving 1.2 million passengers and 14.000 flights in 2008.

PIA has growing passenger traffic marking an average annual increase of 11.4% in the period 2007-2008. The airport is currently profitable, but the government predicts that an experienced operator will be able to generate additional sources of revenue and improve the overall level of operation.

New Kosova Report