Kosovo: PTK signs agreement with Austrian Airlines

Prishtinë, Nov 19, 2005 – The Post & Telecom of Kosovo [Kosova] reached an agreement with the airline company Austrian Airlines of transport of mail, media in Kosovo informed.

According to PTK officials, this is a continuation of improving the infrastructure and an application of a client-oriented strategy. This agreement offers the PTK a possibility for a quicker and cheaper transport of deliveries.

Qefsere Kupina, acting Director of Post of Kosovo, said that by signing this agreement, the Post of Kosovo will have a shorter road to international transport.

As foreseen by this agreement, the transport of closed transit deliveries with Austrian Airlines toward determined destinations will be done through Austrian Airlines. From now on the customer will have the opportunity to send all international postal deliveries much faster and safer than ever.

The Austrian Airlines representative, Christian Voelkel, said he was happy and proud that Austrian Airlines is given the opportunity of transporting postal deliveries from the Post of Kosovo towards world wide destinations.

Austrian Airlines serves 180 destinations around the world, offering high quality and fast services.

Meanwhile Kosovar daily Zëri reports that the PTK has not selected this company based on a tender, but on the assessment that Austrian Airlines has more international flights than other companies.