Kosovo promotes investments in the US

During the US-Kosovo Forum for investments held in New York, Kosovo Minister of Economy and Finance, Ahmet Shala invited investors and trading partners to meet with senior government delegation from Kosovo and get informed about investment and trade opportunities.

Shala said that Kosovo has a tax system more suitable for investment, has great potentials in mining, agriculture and in its young population.

“Kosovo is in very good position for private sector development in the sectors like energy, infrastructure, information technology and agricultural industry,” said Minister of Finance.

Shala said that the deepening of trade relations and the economic development offers more opportunities for investors who intend to expand their interests in Kosovo and the region.

Forum for investments and trade between Kosovo and the U.S. was organized by the Embassy of Kosovo in Washington. Representatives of both countries and other institutions have participated in the forum, including the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Rosemary Di Carlo, U.S. Congressman, Eliot Engel, director of the World Bank and Regional Coordinator for Eastern Europe, Jane Armitage and representatives from business community from Kosovo and US.