Kosovo PM to tackle corruption

Pristina – Three of Kosovo’s biggest public companies have come “top” in the corruption stakes, according to Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, who called for a thorough investigation by the relevant authorities.

Pristina International Airport, the Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK), and the Post and Telecommunication of Kosovo (PTK), are all mired in financial irregularities, says the latest report by Kosovo’s auditor-general.

“The Airport, KEK and PTK need to be investigated by the competent authorities as soon as possible,” Thaci said, and called the three companies “champions in corruption”.

Thaci met with the Director of the Auditor Office, Linda Kasella, who presented a report that disclosed that many public enterprises were involved in a range of irregularities.

By stating that his government “will show zero tolerance towards crime and corruption,” Thaci encouraged the auditor-general to start investigations at the central government as well as at the municipal levels.

Thaci pledged that his governing would make sure “the public money is properly managed”.

Balkan Insight