Kosovo: Petersen Cancels Mobile Telephony Tender Process

Prishtina, Oct 22, 2004 – Only two hours after the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) Board signed the contract with Mobikos-Mobitel consortium for the second mobile telephony provider, UNMIK chief, Soren Jessen-Petersen used his right of veto to cancel it and the whole tender process, KosovaLive informs.

“The Public Tender Process for a Second License to Provide GSM Services in Kosovo initiated by a decision of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, dated 17 December 2003, is cancelled. Accordingly, all actions, agreements, and decisions based thereon shall be deemed invalid and without legal effect,” the executive directive signed by the SRSG reads.

UNMIK Public Information Office informs that the Executive Decision No. 2004/25 shall be effective on the date of the signature, namely October 20, 2004.

Jessen-Petersen says this decision is in the best interest of Kosova and its economic development, in particular in ability to attract investment.

UNMIK chief based his decision also on the communication of the Contact Group, issued on September 2, in Prishtina.

Jessen-Petersen based his decision also on the communication from the Prime Minister of Kosova, dated 28 June 2004, expressing serious concerns about the Public Tender Process and requesting UNMIK to use its reserved powers to suspend the decision of the TRA pending a review of the process and of allegations of irregularities and wrongdoings.

He says that in the Administrative Directive he also took into the account that a team of independent experts was commissioned by the Auditor General of Kosova to review the Public Tender Process.

ECIKS / KosovaLive