Kosovo: KTA launches the 30th wave of Privatisation

Prishtina, 17 November 2007 –The Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA) formally launched the 30th wave of privatisation of “Socially Owned Enterprises” (SOEs).

The list of privatisation tenders for the 30th wave includes 9 SOEs. This will create 10 New Companies (NewCo’s).

All 10 NewCo’s will be privatized via regular spin-off.

The pre-qualification deadline is: January 16, 2008.
The Bid Date for submitting bids to the KTA is: January 23, 2008.

Following SOEs will be tendered in this round

NewCo Agricultural Land in Nec 2 L.L.C. – the main assets of this Subsidiary comprise agricultural land located in outskirts of the village of Sllatinë in Viti Municipality. The total land to be transferred to the Subsidiary is approximately 45 ha. Most of the land was used for growing wheat, barley and corn. However it has not been tended regularly in the last years.

NewCo Grafikos L.L.C. – is a printing house located in Gjilan town. The Subsidiary provides services like: printing school books, note books of different formats, labels, lank forms, prospects and different advertising materials. The main assets of this Subsidiary comprise the printing house premises located in Gjilan town that together with administration space comprise of 1,433m². The building was constructed in 1977 and it is in good condition. Total land area inside the fence is 3,510 m².

NewCo AC Turiqevci L.L.C. – provides the potential investor with an excellent opportunity for any types of business, comprising of 4,329m² of land, several buildings, as well as a convenient location in village Turiqevci, Skenderaj Region.

NewCo Nevolan L.L.C. – agriculture land, located in village Nevolane, municipality of Vushtrri, comprises of approximately 25 hectares of land.

NewCo Bujqësia – Agricultural Land Sverka L.L.C. – is located in Klinë Municipality. The landholding proposed for this tender includes approximately 85.3 hectares of agricultural land, located in cadastral zones of Sverka and Kliqina in Klinë Municipality.

NewCo Bujqësia Agricultural Land Kliqina L.L.C. – provides investors with the opportunity to acquire about 78.5 ha of agricultural land. The landholding is located in cadastral zones of Sverka and Kliqina in Klinë Municipality.

NewCo Fryti L.L.C. – with cooperative administration building and depots and approximately 1.06.52 hectares (1 0652 m²) of land.

NewCo Gadime Quarry L.L.C. – is located in Gadime, Municipality of Lipjan, and includes a land parcel of approx. 62,904 m². The Enterprise in the past was composed of “Lignite Quarry” which since 1990’s is not operating and the “Stone Quarry” called today “Seperacioni i Gurëve”. This Enterprise is involved in production of Gravel fractions and Filer (stone power) required mostly for the road construction.

NewCo Agricultural land Shkabaj L.L.C. – provides the potential investor with an excellent opportunity to acquire very good agriculture land most of it under irrigation infrastructure of Iber Lepenci irrigation company. The enterprise is comprised of approximately 298 hectares of agricultural land divided in the following Cadastral zones: :Shkabaj/Orlloviq, Prishtina, Krushefc, Fushe Kosove. The new co comprises as well machinery service unit with agriculture machinery in Shkabaj village.

NewCo Forestry Suhareka – Administrative Building L.L.C. – the NewCo is comprised of one Administration Building of approximately 251 m². The total land inclusive of the building above is approximately 3,344 m². The Subsidiary is located near the market in Suhareka.

More information at www.kta-kosovo.org