Kosovo is part of the EU integration policy

Several diplomats and analysts, backed by EU and Kosovo officials are clearly indicating that the path of the Republic of Kosovo’s EU integration will be in the agenda this fall and the its Government should pave that road by fulfilling the European Union requirements.

During an interview for Kosovo’s state TV station, RTK, Venera Knaus, a senior analyst with the European Stability Initiative (ESI), a non-profit think tank with offices in Prishtina, says that “there is a large consensus among many countries to include Kosovo in the visa liberalization process if the requirements are fulfilled by the Kosovo Government.”

“The ministry is doing the right thing; it is trying to copy the process, trying to implement the reforms and many friends at the European Union are trying to help Kosovo by including it in the processes, in one way or another. At the moment it is not officially included,” added Knaus.

At the end of the interview Knaus recommended to Kosovo institutions to implement reforms. According to her, the European Union should not miss the opportunity to include Kosovo in the process at the earliest time possible in order to make Kosovo and Europe a safer place.

Meanwhile, Kosovo’s Interior Minister stated that there is a willingness to assist the Republic of Kosovo in this process, adding that,” most importantly all EU nations recognize Kosovo’s passports.”

The EU Enlargement Commissioner Oli Rehn,also pointed that the policy for the young Balkan nation’s integration in the EU will be presented in the fall when European Commission reviews the Kosovo’s feasibility mechanism which paves the path for EU integration.

Also, Sweden’s Foreign Minister, Carl Bildt, the country which takes over the EU presidency on July 1st, said Kosovo’s integration into EU should not be a problem as long as economic development and other reforms are continuous focus by the Republic of Kosovo government.”

Albert Rohan, the former UN’s deputy envoy on Kosovo’s status and co-architect of Kosovo’s independence, recently said that all Balkan’s countries including Kosovo and Bosnia, within 5 year period will become part of the visa liberalization.

New Kosova Report