Kosovo hands over the completed questionnaire on trade relations with the EU

Prime Minister Hashim Thaci handed over on Thursday to the chief of the European Commission Office (EC) in Prishtina, Renzo Daviddi the completed questionnaire on trade relations between Kosovo and the European Union.

The inclusion of Kosovo in trade relations with the EU, according to Prime Minister Thaci, represents one of the important steps in leading Kosovo towards the European family.

“In the near future, Kosovo will receive roadmap on visa liberalization. Kosovo is ready to take this task and will also conclude it with success. Roadmap will serve the free movement of citizens of Kosovo,” Thaci said.

Prime Minister thanked the entire team of Kosovars and the Ministry of Trade and Industry who have worked in the preparation of answers to EC.

Head of EC Office in Prishtina, Renzo Daviddi said that it was a good preparation and this is the first step towards a new form of cooperation between the Government and the European Union. He was satisfied that this process is taken seriously by the Kosovo Government.

The answers of Kosovo Government to 217 questions of the EU are part of the negotiating process which will end in a trade agreement between Kosovo and the European Union.