Kosovo: Global giants rush to KEK

Prishtinë, May 03, 2006 – The Ministry of Energy and Mining may be facing a lot of work once the status is solved. The mid-term energy strategy foresees the development of at least one thermal power plant with the capacity of 1,800-2,100 MW and a new mine, the price of which goes over €2.5 billion Euros, reports Express.

“According to the ministry’s studies and policies, the new TPP (Thermal Power Plant) will have the capacity of 1800.2100 MW, thus amounting to €2.5 Billion investment. Potential investors have been informed on TPP’s expected capacities, thus their projects must be in accordance with the requests,” said MEM Donors and Investors Coordinator, Ilir Rama.

According to Rama, developing a TPP is not difficult. “We have met several important companies, such as General Electric, Siemens, Cez, Calik, Enerji, AES, Areva, Alstom, etc,” said Rama, adding that one of the criteria for the potential investor in constructing the new TPP is to rehabilitate the existing TPP Kosovo A and develop a new mine in Sibovc. However, developing a new TPP does not mean that supply problems would disappear immediately. The process of developing a new TPP will last for 5-6 years.

“Development policies depend on criteria set by the MEM,” said Rama. “Once the investor is selected, the new TPP development is expected to last six years. Our objective is to commence new TPP units in commercial activity in 2012-2013.”