Kosovo: Everything “OK” in Trepça

Prishtinë, Apr 14, 2006 – The Manager of the Trepca mine, Miftar Hyseni, denies all criticism made by a member of the Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals (ICMM), Rainer Hengstmann, towards the local managers of mines. According to Kosovar daily Lajm, Hyseni said that Stan Tërg meets the license criteria, but the internationals are hindering this.

“It is an issue why Hengstmann is making such statements,” said Hyseni. “He knows what he says and what interests he is protecting. He has never said this [to us]. His co-workers have only good words for us. It is strange that this person makes such a statement to the media.

The Manager denies that the lift had slid 38 meters in the mine that he manages, although ICMM officials have proof. “This is a lie. We received a letter from the Commission on that, but we have said it is not true,” said Hyseni. According to him, the lift can slide only 30 centimetres if there is a power cut. “We expect an official report on this slander,” he said.

Hyseni also denies that water is the main problem, although still not providing any proof. “The old line was not closed, but a new line has been opened, and now both are functional,” he said.

According to Hyseni, the for the license required feasibility study was submitted a long time ago, while the ICMM says that they have not received such a study.

“We have submitted that report,” said Hyseni. “We ask for the report to be reviewed and if they have any remark they can present them.”

Hyseni also said that the ICMM is prohibiting the license to the mines for no reason. “One day Hengstmann was here together with some investors and he said very good words here in front of me,” said Hyseni. “I am surprised about his statements.”

According to Hyseni, one of the main problems at the mine is that it only has two licensed shot firers. “Four months ago we have asked ICMM to license more workers, but we received no answer,” he said. “This hinders the production.”


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