Kosovo C tender postponed due to elections?!

Prishtinë, November 3, 2007 (Express) – Because of the general and local elections that will take place on 17 November, the tender announcement for the project Kosovo C will be postponed. According to the Kosovar Daily Express, the elections might change the managers of the project and can be considered as one of the main obstacles for the project implementation. According to officials of the Project Steering Committee (PSC), chaired by Minister of Energy and Mining (MEM) with participants from other Ministries, UNMIK, KTA and donors, the undefined status of Kosovo does not present any problem for the tender to be announced as planned.

Officials from the World Bank in Kosovo, said the PSC has given good signals, that there will be no postponement of the project. But, according to them, the representation of the Government will depend on the elections and on how fast a new Government will be formed.

“Meanwhile, the office of the project will continue to work with consultants on drafting the technical and transactional materials to be reviewed by the PSC,” said Edon Vrenezi, operations official in the World Bank Kosovo.

Forming the new Government does not exclude the possibility of changing the PSC group, since there is a possibility that the new Minister of MEM will be someone else, not Ethem Çeku.

“The possibility can not be excluded,” said Lorik Haxhiu, from PSC. He added that the works are continuing with the same dynamic. If everything goes as planned the tender will be announced by the end of the year, eventually beginning of next year.

Officials of the pre-qualified companies believe the tender will be announced as planned.