Kosovo: Bids for 20th wave of privatization opened

Prishtina, 26 January 2007 – In the 20th wave of privatization, the KTA sold 25 NewCos for €9.7 million. The SOE Urata-Supermarketi I in Pristina was sold for the highest price – €1.4 million, while the lowest price in regular spin-off was offered for the agricultural land Maznik in Decan/Decane – €20,000.

The bids for two other SOEs, which were privatized with special spin-off, were also opened yesterday.

Mulliri from Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje was sold with special spin-off for €1,2 million. The provisional winner committed to invest €15 million and hire 250 people.

The provisional winner of “Morava e Binqe”s from Gjilan offered €4.1 million, €15.5 million investments and employment of 140 people.