Kosovo: Airport Board of Directors approves new policies

Prishtinë, Dec 4, 2007 – The Prishtina International Airport (PIA) Board of Directors has approved new policies that will enable the enterprise to rent out its properties. “In the meeting the Airport Board of Directors approved the policy for renting out the Airport’s assets,” said Skender Bucolli, the PIA Spokesperson.

Sources of Koha Ditore in the Board said the approval given to new policies enables the PIA to rent out its facilities and properties and contract external parties. This decision enables the PIA to select the kerosene supplier themselves. From now on the Airport has the possibility to select new kerosene suppliers.

The PIA Spokesperson said the Board of Directors requested from the PIA management to co-operate with KTA and Pillar IV to initiate the selection process of suppliers during the month of December. The sources said based on the policies the PIA will soon announce a tender to select companies for kerosene supply.

The Board of Directors has given the PIA management the permission to announce a tender for the kerosene supplier. The only kerosene supplier since 2001 was Air BP contracted by UNMIK. “The Management has its road open to give a chance to other companies to supply the Airport with kerosene,” said a PIA Board member.

Since 2001 tenders for kerosene supply were announced four times, but they were cancelled with the justification that the companies did not fulfil the technical specifications. Last time the offered prices by two other companies were much more favourable than the one of the actual contractor. “Air Bp offered to Airport 2.5% of the profit, Ex Fis & World Fuel Services, Kosovo/Russia offered 16.03% and the Petrol Slovenia offered 2%,” stressed PIA officials. This tender was annulled and UNMIK justified the extension of the contract with Air BP by saying that the new winner was not selected due to an insufficient number of bidders or because the bidders did not fulfil the technical requirements.