Kosovo: 4 companies qualify for energy sector

Prishtina, 1 January 2007 – Four out of ten companies and consortiums that have expressed their interest for construction of power plant Kosova C have met the qualification criteria. The four companies are: CEZ/AES Corporation,” German company “RWE Power AG”, US-German Consortium “EnBW/WGI’ and Italian-Greek-American “Enel/Sencap.

The names of the qualified companies were announced on Thursday in the press conference held by Ministry of Energy and Mining. (MEM). Minister of Energy and Mining, Ethem Ceku, said the end of pre-qualification phase presents implementation of his vision to go from donations to investments.

Çeku also spoke about the MEM’s achievements and challenges during 2006. He qualified this year very challenging for the government, in terms of the problems with electrical energy and mining sector. He said that in 2007, this ministry will be engaged more in improvement of power supply and in reactivation of mines.

PDSRSG Steven Schook, who was present at the occasion, said that future developments in the energy sector are expected to enable Kosovo to improve its political and economic position.

“The end of this year is an opportunity to focus on several things. First, is to look back on the things that have been done and the second, on the things that remain to be done in the future and to work so as to move ahead. In the meetings with internationals I keep telling them that the hottest topic for Kosovo is not its final status, but its energy,” Schook said.