Kosovar designer launches her clothing line in Vienna and Zurich

Krenare Rugova, an US-educated Kosovar fashion designer, has recently launched her clothing line in the city of Vienna. Her spring/summer collection ’09 was initially presented at an event in Linz (Austria) on April 22 along with other international fashion designers. Fashion admirers at the show had the chance to purchase their favorite designer made clothes. Krenare Rugova’s garments are now available for sale in “At First Sight”, a designer store in Vienna.

The label Krenare Rugova will also be soon available in Zurich (Switzerland), where new collection of dresses and garments will be sold at “Ostblock”, a designer store that offers garments from eastern European designers.

This marks Krenare’s first commercial presentation outside of Kosovo and she believes that her label “will be received well by international customers.” Moreover, she sees this achievement as a positive reflection for Kosovo’s high potential of developing young talented artists.