Customs Service And OEK Sign a Cooperation Agreement

Prishtina, Nov 6, 2004 – A cooperation agreement to facilitate and accelerate the services for businessmen was signed between the Customs Service of Kosovo and Kosovo’s Chamber of Commerce (OEK), KosovaLive informs.

This agreement creates a better environment between the businessmen and the customs. It also creates possibilities for Kosova businessmen to communicate and use customs services, and also provides information on the advantages of the new law on customs.

The head of OEK, Ismail Kastrati said that the Customs should not be considered as an administration that collects taxes, but also as an administration that helps and facilitates the businesses.

Naim Huruglica from the Customs Service says that this is only the first step. “It will be followed by various trainings for informing the businessmen on changes having to do with customs policies,2 he said.

Huruglica said that a country, which manages to simplify the customs procedures, has opened the door to foreign investments.

From now on the businessmen will take detailed information on what is more attractive to invest in Kosova, as well as information on customs services.

ECIKS / KosovaLive