Auditor General reveals irregularities in Kosovo President’s Office

Prishtinë, June 01, 2006 – The Kosovo’s General Auditor revealed irregularities in the Office of Kosovo’s President in Velania during the period January to September 2005. The information was published in the Kosovar daily Express, and two days later also on the Webpage of the Auditor General. Over € 1.7 million is the value of the investment made by the Kosovo Presidency in a house, which was registered in the name of a private person where the Presidency worked at the time when the late Ibrahim Rugova was President. Money from Kosovo Budget was used for this investment.

According to Express, the report includes concerns with the vehicles of the Presidency: purchase, insurance, payment, and customs clearance issues that were in contradiction with rules of procurement. The general value of the money that was misused is estimated at around € 2 million.

The report should have been published on 24 May, but UNMIK Chief has intervened that the report not be published due to the President Day.