UPCOMING EVENT: The First UK-Kosovo Investment Forum

One Whitehall Place, 24 November 2009

A senior government delegation including Hon Ahmet Shala, Minister of Economy and Finance; Hon Lutfi Zharku, Minister of trade and Industry; Mr Hashim Rexhepi, Governor of the Central Bank and more, will be in London to showcase the many investment opportunities Kosovo offers to UK and European investors.

This unique, invitation only event, will profile some of the major business sectors within Kosovo’s economy such as ICTs, SME development, energy and infrastructure, set on the background of Kosovo’s development as a prosperous independent state on the world economic and political stage, having joined the IMF and World Bank, and with wide recognition amongst its regional neighbours as well as within NATO and the EU.

Kosovo located in the nexus between the huge markets of Europe, the Middle East and Asia, and therefore ideally placed to exploit its competitive advantage in this regard, and maximise returns from the trade routes between them. The IMF has predicted growth of 4-5% for Kosovo in 2010, and with the second largest coal reserves in Europe, Kosovo is well placed to combine traditional with emerging sectors to secure its growth and development in the coming years.

The event is jointly being organised by the Embassy of Kosovo and Developing Markets Associates Ltd (DMA), a specialist development and emerging market investment consultancy based in London.

To be held at the prestigious One Whitehall Place in Westminster, the event will be followed by a reception hosted by Rt Hon John Grogan MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Kosovo.

For further information, please contact amy.slonje@dmassocs.com, or call DMA on +44 (0)20 7700 1990.