Privatization restarts, third round announced

Prishtina, 03 July 2004 – After a nine months blockage of the privatization process, the Kosova Trust Agency (KTA) has announced that the third round of privatization will start within 10 days. In a press release published on Friday the KTA has made known the list of Socially Owned Enterprises slated for a third wave of privatization.

Also the head of UNMIK-Pillar IV, Mr. Nicholaus Lambsdorff made this public announcement together with the vice-chairman of the KTA board, Minister Ali Jakupi, after they met on Friday to discuss the progress in the privatization process.

“Minister Jakupi and myself are very happy that we can make this next and very important step in moving the privatization process forward.“ Lambsdorff said adding that “We now have a ten-day period to notify the SOEs and municipalities concerned, after which a third wave of tenders can officially be launched.”

The list of privatization tenders for a third wave includes twelve Socially Owned Companies (SOEs) for regular spin-off and one SOE for a so-called special spin-off. Please find the complete list of companies, at…

Few weeks ago UNMIK officials informed that the privatization will be unblocked soon and said that the process of privatization would now be based on operational procedures that will ensure a swift, clear and transparent process. Furthermore, these new procedures will help the KTA to find the best buyer of socially owned enterprises. In reaction to this, the Kosovo Government supported the continuation of privatization, but held no firm position on whether it supports changes in the operational policies

The list of the SOE’s to be privatized in the third round:


1. Banja e Kllokotit
2. Plantacioni i Pemeve


3. Perparimi
4. Derma Commerce
5. Progresi Printing
6. Univerzal


7. 17 Nentori
8. Bujqesia / working unit Zahaq
9. Teuta (Vrela)


10. Fazita
11. Lipjan Bottling Plant (ex Coca Cola)


12. NGLB Kosova (Printing House)

Special Spin-Off:

13. Ferronikeli