New liaison offices to be opened at the beginning of May

Prishtina, 23 April 2004 – Technical problems have delayed the opening of the new offices of the Prime Ministry Kosovar daily “Epoka e Re” reports. According to the paper, the new offices were supposed to be opened by the end of March, but the latest riots have forced the Kosovo Government to focus on other issues. The paper also claims that UNMIK has in principle agreed with the opening of the offices.

Asked to comment on the issue, Mimoza Kusari, spokeswoman for the Kosovo Government, was quoted as saying, “The opening of the six offices of the Prime Ministry is being delayed due to technical reasons, the lack of facilities, personnel, job descriptions, etc. Although in principle UNMIK has agreed with the opening of these offices.”

“Epoka e Re” notes that one of the six future offices will be the Liaison Office for European Integrations and Regional Initiatives that will be tasked with establishing relations, and if it is successful it will create the future cell for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Epoka e Re” says that the staff members who will be working in the new offices haven’t been appointed yet. The paper even claims that Rexhep Hoti, advisor to Prime Minister Bajram Rexhepi, could be one of the candidates for one of the leading posts in these offices.

“The heads of these offices will be selected through vacancy announcements and not through appointments. Everyone, within or outside the government is entitled to apply for the job,” said Kusari.