Kosovo, US sign economic assistance deal

Kosovo and the United States today signed their first bilateral agreement on U.S. economic assistance for the Balkan state. “This is an agreement which has again proved a particular commitment of the United States of America to helping Kosovo,” said President Fatmir Sejdiu at the signing ceremony. “The assistance will be directed towards general development and, in particular, towards infrastructure fields in Kosovo, consequently in economy, transportation, education,” Sejdiu said. He added that the assistance would “present a special stimulus for a quicker development of our country.” Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said his cabinet was “committed to using this assistance in the most effective way by continuation of good governance and rule of law.”

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in February 2008 and is recognized by 62 countries. The U.S. was among the first to support the move. Serbia opposes Kosovo’s independence, still considering it as its province.

Associated Foreign Press