Kosovo toward energy market liberalization

Prishtinë, 21 July, 2006 – The establishment of the Independent Operator of the Transmission and Energy Market in Kosovo – KOSTT – was inaugurated yesterday in Pristina.

Minister for Energy and Mining, Ethem Ceku, said that this operator would attract new investments in Kosovo.

“KOSTT represents the first big step towards the reformation of the energy sector in Kosovo and the fulfilment of the obligations that emerge out of the South-eastern European Energy Treaty,” said Çeku.

Joachim Ruecker, the Head of the UNMIK Pillar IV said this operator is very important for Kosovo’s energy sector. “This is a fulfilment of our obligations that emerge from the Athens Energy Treaty, signed in October 2005 in Athens,” said Ruecker, adding that this is a good news not only for the energy suppliers and investors, but for the consumers as well. The purpose of this operator is the liberalization of the energy market, which will allow consumers to select which supplier they choose. He said that there will be competitiveness and this good for the elimination of the existing monopoly.