Kosovo: PTK offers Internet services via telephone

Prishtinë, August 1, 2007 – The Post and Telecom of Kosovo (PTK) on Friday has started to offer the additional service of Internet through telephone cables based on the Asymmetrical Digital Prepaid Line (ADPL).

Deputy Director of Kosovo Telecom, Leke Musa said that through ADPL, the consumers will be able to use the Internet and telephone at the same time. “The price charged for this service is truly convenient,” stated Musa, reported the Kosovar daily Zeri.

The consumer must conduct a payment of 15 euro in order to be provided with this telephone package, which includes 16 hours of talking time for a month and Internet services of 512 MB in 24 hours. The business package that offers Internet of 2.048 MB and 166 hours of talking time cost 45 Euros.

According to the latest figures of the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority – TRA, over 15% of Kosovars use internet on regular basis. The internet market in Kosovo is currently served by three licensed Internet Service Providers. Two of them, Kujtesa and IPKO-Net (lately acquired by Slovenian Telecom) are private, while Dardanet is a subsidiary of PTK, a publicly owned company. The sector has expanded rapidly over the past years and the market is characterised by a high demand, which is currently not being satisfied due to the infrastructure investment needs.