Kosovo: IPAK-ECIKS Investment Promotion news

Vienna, 23 February 2007 – The project of Foreign Investment Promotion in Kosovo, which started in November 2006 and is being financed by the Austrian Development Agency – ADA has entered its second phase. The Economic Initiative for Kosova – ECIKS, the organization implementing the project in Vienna on behalf of the Investment Promotion Agency of Kosovo – IPAK, has reported increased interest of potential investors from German speaking region for Kosovo.

During the last few months, three big Austrian companies have shown interest or have already invested in Kosovo. The energetic company EVN (Energieversorgung Niederösterreich) has participated in the tender for the new power plant in Kosovo, while Mobilkom, a sub company of Austrian Telecom has participated in the tender for the second mobile operator in Kosovo. STRABAG, one of the worlds largest construction companies has already invested in Kosovo through its sub company “Mineral Abbau” by privatizing a quarry in Çikatovë for € 2,5 million.

Within the project, ECIKS has so far identified over 40 potential investors in the German speaking region and is continuously providing information, analysis and responding to their specific inquiries. With the solution of Kosovo’s final status coming closer, hence removing a major insecurity for potential investors, ECIKS is expecting an increase of foreign investments in Kosovo.