Kosovo: Guardia di Finanza raids PTK offices

Prishtinë, June 02, 2006 – Koha Ditore reports that the Kosovo Post and Telecom (PTK) has once again attracted the vigilant eye of the unit for fighting economic crimes – Guardia di Finanza. A paper’s source inside the PTK said that the Guardia di Finanza have taken a pile of papers and documents from the procurement sector of the PTK.

Asked to comment on the issue, PTK spokesman Seremb Gjergji said: “Some of the directors are in a meeting right now and I have no information for today. I will give you an answer tomorrow.”

The paper recalls that the Guardia di Finanza had conducted investigations in the PTK even before and as a result in April 2004, an international prosecutor had initiated investigations against Gerard Fischer, former UNMIK Pillar II head, Rainer Lesar, former director of Department of Infrastructure and Telecommunications, former PTK General Director Leme Xhema, Uno Nielsen, advisor to Xhema, and Bedri Rama, former director of Telecom.

Jeffrey is ordered not to leave Kosovo

Meanwhile, it was reported that the Former Director of the PTK, now Advisor, Gavin Jeffrey, who receives a salary of €30,000 euro a month, has been searched by investigators from the UN’s Office for Internal Oversight, and some materials were confiscated.

Investigators interrogated him for 5 hours on Tuesday, and ordered Jeffery not to leave Kosovo.

The UNMIK spokesman confirmed the news. “I can confirm that the involvement of the Financial Investigation Unit on PTK has happened in association with the investigation already ongoing, in close cooperation with the Department of Justice”, stated Neeraj Singh, UNMIK spokesman, without providing details on reason for investigation and searches. “In this phase of investigation I am not authorized to give any detail about the case.”

Meanwhile, Seremb Gjergji, Spokesman for the PTK, admits that investigators from Guardia di Finanzia visited the company. “Yesterday’s visit to PTK by Guardia di Finanzia was for one reason. For now, it is not reasonable to give any other details,” said Gjergji.

It was reported that an allegation during his management of PTK related to the employment of Jeffery’s friend, who worked previously as a PTK consultant. In a letter he wrote to these friends, also published in the media, he stated that they should come to work for the PTK, “because there is much money”. Also the number of the workers at the PTK press office has increased to 17, while Seremb Gjergji was hired without a vacancy announcement, Lajm reads.