Kosovo: € 11,5 millions investment for “Xella”

Lypjan, 26 September 2007 – The brick factory in Lypjan “Xella” has started with the production of “Silka” bricks. The factory is a €11,5 million investment of “Xella International” and “Haro Trade”. “Xella will produce Silka construction bricks by using local raw material and processing it by German technology,” said Samir Krasniqi, director of “Xella Kosovo” in the inauguration ceremony.

Present at the ceremony were representatives of local and international institutions. “After the flag is raised and the status is defined, I see a bigger investment since there is going to be a big flux of investors,” said Joachim Ruecker, head of UNMIK. Kosovo President, Fatmir Sejdiu, said that the investment show security and favorable conditions that Kosovo provides to foreign investors.

According to Krasniqi, Xella will produce construction blocks and decoration frontage bricks that are new in the kosovar market. “It is a new German technology and it is a modern factory. I promise that the quality of these products is a new force on the market,” said Klaus Steiner, general director of ‘Xella Alpe Adria”.